There is incredible purpose and growth that takes place when plugged into the local church in Bryan/College Station. The following churches have provided some information to help you get connected to your church. If your church is not listed, please visit their website as we encourage you to deepen your involvement with the local church.
Antioch Community Church
The best way for students to get plugged in at Antioch is through Life Groups. These are weekly meetings that happen in people's homes. Here students can find worship, accountability, encouragement and be challenged in their walk with Jesus. It's also the best form of community for our students to get connected. For more information about life groups, visit
There are also countless ways to serve the church. A few examples of areas to serve are with greeting, parking, working with kids, ushering or serving during the week helping the staff out at the church offices with various tasks! For more information about volunteering, visit
House of Prayer
CSHOP’s Sunday Service - we are in need of greeters, cleaning crew, teachers for kiddos class rooms, sound techs, singers, and musicians. We don’t have an official application for these, as we do it family style and want people to be relationally connected with us first. So, first, it is an invite to be a part of our community, and then from there we can figure out where they can plug into a specific role or function. So if someone is interested in serving in one of these areas and really wants to feel like their 1 or 2 tasks actually matter, we are a great small community place for that. There’s no official application, just put them in contact with me.
A.M. Prayer - The opportunity to serve one morning per week at AMP. We could even have a specific focus of praying for Impact on a certain day. We can always use, greeters, prayer leaders, singers, and musicians to volunteer once a week at the morning prayer meeting. Short description of AMP - The vision is to exalt Jesus daily on our campus, and give Him praise starting off each morning. Any student is welcome to come. It is come and go style. It is 8-10am every morning. The style varies from devotional worship to intercessory prayer. We pray for our campus, other ministries, and for different people groups and nations. for either:
Grace Bible Church
Grace has many opportunities to get plugged in and serve. All leadership applications and descriptions can be found at Deadline to apply is March 22nd.
Lead a Doulos Bible Study Group – Doulos is our Freshman Bible Study that meets on campus Thursday nights from 7-9.
Lead a Start Group – Lead a group of students through the Essentials of Christianity while also focusing on building community. Students joining these groups are usually new to the faith, new to church, or unbelievers.
Lead a Grow Group – Lead a group of students through a book of the Bible while also building community within the group and engaging the community outside of the group.
Join a Serve Group – Join one of our Serve Groups, where you can study the bible, be in community, and engage with those outside of the group through prayer, service, or connecting other students within the Body of Christ.
Sunday Morning Volunteer – Help greet Sunday mornings or help stack chairs after the service.
If you have any questions about Grace College Leadership, please email and
New Life Baptist Church
New Life encourages every member to Connect, Commit, and Cultivate:
Connect - to God and other believers through attending our Sunday morning worship services (9am and 11am), and through participating in a Life Group (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings in area homes). Our Life Groups are multigenerational, so there are families, couples, and students in every group.
Commit - by joining our family and then by stewarding God's resources (time, talents, and treasures). In short, join the church and then begin serving and giving.
Cultivate - by getting trained through attending our Sunday evening discipleship program at 5pm, as well as other occasional events; then making disciples of Jesus Christ by sharing the Gospel and teaching younger believers to obey everything Jesus commanded.
Visit for more information!
Declaration Church
Connect - The third part of our mission statement talks of living in community with God’s people here at Declaration Church, and to move in that direction, step one is getting connected. Whether you are in the discovery stage or ready to join into our fellowship, the pastors, staff and community group leaders are ready to get to know you personally. Any questions you have or conversations you are hoping for, please feel welcome to email us or come by the connections central bar in the back of our worship space where we are gladly available to help you connect. From there we hope find out where we can serve you, discover what your giftings, needs and passions are, and help you get started living those out in new and deep relationships within the body of Christ here at Declaration Church. We have community groups from far south College Station to north Bryan and many ways to come along side other members of the church in service towards one another and our community. For more information, visit
Community Groups - In many ways community defines the body of Christ (and particularly our church) far and above our Sunday service. Beholding Jesus Christ with other believers, while being known and loved by one another, is what made the early church so radically attractive to the watching population of the first century. Our hope is that the shared fellowship of the Holy Spirit will create such a similar community here in the Brazos Valley that we can’t help but be on mission together as the watching world is drawn into their view of the family of God called Declaration Church. Our groups are multi-generational with high priorities of shepherding and discipleship, service, meals together and authentic friendship. For more information about getting involved in a Community Group, visit
Central Baptist Church
Get Involved - Central College leadership provides a variety of ways in which you can get involved. We have Engage Team, Setup Team, Productions Team, Children’s and Preschool Teams, Greet, Connect, Prayer, Foundry, Serve, Evangelism and Intramural Teams. We also work with S.O.S Ministries! If you think you might be interested in serving in a leadership or member position or just want to find out more about what each of these positions does, visit
Small Groups - Intergenerational groups meet weekly to share life experiences, study God’s word and offer one another support. Members gain perspective and a greater understanding of the Scripture through each others’ experiences. Groups dig deeper into the weekend sermon and members learn how to apply God’s Word in their daily lives. If you have any questions please visit