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Praying for Impact Retreat

We believe deeply in the power of prayer and invite you to pray over these specific areas of retreat! Below is a detailed list of prayer points for each day of retreat!


(August 2, August 5, August 8, August 11)

  • Pray for the safety of all the staff as they travel together on buses from College Station to Latham Springs.

  • Pray for the hundreds of students arriving to retreat today. Pray for safe travels. Pray for the health of all students arriving as well. Pray against the feelings that some students may have of just not showing up. Calm any anxieties or fears they have about this experience of retreat. Pray they would see the love, joy, and welcoming spirit of our staff in the first moments of setting foot on property.

  • 4:00pm – First BG Time! Pray these small groups would be a space where comfort, connections, and community begin. Pray for the two counselors leading each group to have confidence in their training up to this point as well as a surrender to the Lord and His leading of their words and actions.

  • 7:15pm – First Speaker Session! Pray for Brian McCormack as he speaks to the students about this transition to college and their identity. Pray their first time of worship would be a time of surrender. Pray the Holy Spirit would speak to them clearly through the time of worship and message.

  • 9:15pm – First Same Gender BG Time! Pray for the guys and girls sitting in this time to see the authenticity of their counselor. Pray for the counselor as they will likely be sharing their testimony. Pray it is clear and gives God the glory for His working in their life. Pray as well for the students sitting in these times to be open and able to process what God spoke to them during the speaker sessions.

  • Pray for a great night’s rest for all.


(August 3, August 6, August 9, August 12)

  • Pray for the staff as they prepare for a big day of sharing cardboard testimonies, answering questions during panel time, and leading more BG times. Pray they would display authenticity, humility, wisdom, and the love of Christ.

  • Pray for the students as they get up to have quiet times. Pray God speaks to them in these times. Pray for those who have never had a quiet time before; that this would set a rhythm for them as they prepare to go to college.

  • 9:15am – Guy / Girl Time! Pray during this large group time with just their gender that the Lord would speak to them through the speaker session and worship time. Pray for Emma Dotter and Phil Rich as they are speaking. Pray God gives them wisdom and clarity and that God would use their words to bless the students.

  • 10:30am – Cardboard Testimonies! Pray that the testimonies of the staff shared in these times would speak to the lives of the incoming students. Pray these testimonies would encourage, challenge, and bring freedom. Pray for confidence and humility on the part of the incoming students to go up and talk to specific staff who shared something that spoke specifically to them.

  • 1:15pm – Panel Time! Pray this time of Q&A would bring peace, comfort, joy, and clarity to the incoming students. Pray the staff would give solid wisdom through God’s Word and dependence on the Spirit within them.

  • Pray for the breakout sessions that are taking place today: Corp Talk, Sorority Talk, Fraternity Talk, and Blinn Talk. Pray the words and wisdom shared would encourage the students in attendance.

  • 7:15pm – Second Speaker Session! Pray for Kathy Davidson as she speaks to the students about the importance of biblical community in college. Pray their time of worship would be a time of true worship to God. Pray the Holy Spirit would speak to them clearly through the time of worship and message.

  • Pray for the BG Time taking place after the speaker session. Pray for vulnerability to begin to deepen in these groups. Pray as well for the staff to be incredible facilitators during this time.

  • Pray for Dance Party! Pray this would be a time of fun and laughter! Pray this time would show them how much joy can be found in great community! Pray as well for safety and a great night’s rest for all!


(August 4, August 7, August 10, August 13)

  • Pray that each person from retreat would wake up feeling healthy and energized for a great final full day at Latham!

  • Pray for the Prayer Teamers today! At this point they have been praying off and on for about 48 hours. Pray for their energy and focus and communion with the Lord. Pray also for the conversations that will happen today with the incoming students. Pray for wisdom, listening ears, comfort, encouragement, and freedom to be found!

  • 9:15am – The Local Church! Pray for our leadership team who will be leading a discussion on the local church, allowing time for students to reflect on their experiences and consider what The Lord has for them through the local church in College Station.

  • Pray for Camp Competition to be a time of enthusiasm, friendly competition, and bonding among the camps. Pray also that everyone would be safe, and no injuries would occur. Pray also for the temperature outside to drop a bit so it won’t be so incredibly hot!

  • 7:15pm – Third Speaker Session! Pray for Kade Pierce as he speaks to the students. Pray for this to be a time of vulnerability and conviction as students will be considering their why for college and the ways in which the Lord desires to use them as ambassadors in college. Pray they would embrace the gifts God has given them and use those gifts to build His Kingdom. Pray also for the students who do not have a relationship with the Lord; that this session would clearly show them the gospel and they would begin their relationship with Him during this time!

  • Final Camp Time! Pray this would be a huge encouragement to the incoming students. Pray they would feel The Father’s love and be able to worship Him during this time. Pray they would also see how much God has used this time to grow them and prepare them spiritually and mentally for the years ahead.


(August 5, August 8, August 11, August 14)

  • Pray the hours of rest were magnified to give them great energy for these last few hours at retreat and for their drive home.

  • 9:15am – Closing Session! Pray this time would encourage them as they prepare to leave and step into college. Pray for courage for those who we would ask to stand up if they started their relationship with Jesus at retreat or if they experienced significant growth or breakthrough while at Impact. Pray with us also as we begin praying for the Class of 2027 who will attend Impact next year!

  • Pray for the final BG time and camp time to be filled with laughter and fun, showing them a glimpse of what awaits them in College Station with these newfound brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • Pray for safe travels as the students drive home.

  • Pray for the week ahead as students reflect on this experience. Pray it would sink in and that the enemy would not try to diminish or distort all The Lord did through Impact Retreat.